The Hyperlinked theme song is really catchy. If you listen to it more than twice, you end up going around the rest of the day singing, "Ooooh, Hyperlinked!" In fact all of the songs are infectious, as are the five girls in L2M, a tween pop group who also star in the show.

It was a joy to direct five of the 10 half-hour episodes in the first season of Hyperlinked, including the season finale. From Youtube Red and Disney, I like to think of the show as The Monkees for girls in the digital age. I was inspired by my years watching Facts of Life, too. Another show with a killer theme song.
Since Hyperlinked aired this past June, it has been awarded the
Common Sense Media Seal, and has
inspired girls to become interested in careers in computer science. The
pilot, directed by
Kimmy Gatewood, has been viewed 2.5 million times.
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